Exporting from Bokeh

Bokeh is a Python library for creating interactive data visualizations. I just started learning about it, and I immediately wanted to export either static images or HTML/JavaScript — or both! However, at first it seemed I would need to install extra libraries to make it happen.

Persistently, I kept searching, and I found that there are export options that do not require any extra libraries. Hooray!

So say you have already created and displayed a chart assigned to the variable chart1, using a Jupyter Notebook. This is all you’ll need to export a complete, fully functioning HTML file with included JavaScript:

Lordy, it was torture to embed that freaking gist using the WP Gutenberg editor. New post to follow.

Screenshot of Bokeh Save tool

The default toolset in Bokeh includes a “Save” icon. This outputs a PNG image of the chart.

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