5-minute JavaScript tutorials

So many tutorial videos are so darned long! This summer, I set out to make a new series of videos for absolute beginners in JavaScript. They are free on YouTube, and here is the playlist:

JavaScript Beginners

Most of these video are shorter than 5 minutes. Only one is longer than 6 minutes (6:43), and I might try to go back and make that one shorter.

I have tried to title each video very specifically so that you can scan the playlist and pick a focused topic without thinking too hard.

The idea was to demonstrate characteristics of JavaScript, as well as the most basic programming concepts, in the JavaScript console — which every modern web browser has. I hope this will encourage beginners to play along and try things out in the console themselves.

Tuple unpacking in Python

With the typical list-based for-loop in Python, we don’t use indexes:

foods = ["bread", "milk", "eggs"]
for food in foods:

But if we also need the index number for each list item (which does, of course, exist):

foods = ["bread", "milk", "eggs"]
for i, food in enumerate(foods):
   print( str(i) + ": " + food )

I learned that today from this 25-minute video about loops in Python (also covers while-loops):


Tuple unpacking is explained at 11:58 in the video. It’s what makes enumerate() possible.

(PyCon 2017)
